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Get your A-game on!

Levelling up your #opensource career!

Classification - Parental Guidance
Licence - CC BY SA

@KathyReid on GitHub, Twitter, IRC, Slack etc

HabitRPG base character

Level 0 Open Source * Developer

Game plan?

Attribution: Scott Swigart via Flickr.

Know thyself

Attribution: Tilemahos Efthimiadis "ΓΝΩΘΙ ΣΑΥΤΟΝ / ΨΥΧΗΣ ΙΑΤΡΕΙΟΝ". Δωμάτιο στο σπίτι του Σλήμαν (νυν Νομισματικό Μουσείο), Αθήνα via Flickr.

What drives you?

Attribution: Nichole Burrows via Flickr.


External Intrinsic
External stimuli - without which you would be less likely to apply effort or skill Internal drivers which act independently of external forces
  • Performance based bonuses
  • Recognition pieces - 'employee of the month' awards
  • Horse trading for resources
  • Need for acceptance, social contact and social status
  • Need for independence, power and autonomy
  • Need for honour and pride in workmanship
  • Need to know - curiosity about how things work
POTUS Ahmed Clock Tweet

Flow State

Attribution: Wiki Commons


Fixed Mindset Growth Mindset
Avoids challenges Embraces challenges
Gives up easily Has strong persistence
Sees effort as fruitless Sees effort as the path to mastery
Ignores useful feedback Learns from criticism
Is jealous of the success of others Is inspired by, and learns from, the success of others
HabitRPG level 2 character

Level up! You win: Headdress of Growth Mindset

Learning styles

Visual Aural Reading / writing Kinesthetic
Learns through imagery, visuals and symbols Learns through listening and talking Learns through reading and writing information Learns by doing, through tactile input
Charts, diagrams, visualisations Podcasts, verbal explanations, lectures, mnemonics Written information, manuals, email instruction Examples, demonstrations
Swordmaster development path

Swordmaster: Level 2 is blocked!

Secret World path

The Secret World: skills in combination

Technical Conceptual Interpersonal

Generic skillsets

Technical Conceptual Interpersonal
  • Platform and product specialisations
  • Specific programming languages
  • Hardware specialisations
  • Lifecycle management
  • Quality assurance, continuous integration, continuous delivery
  • Test-driven, behavour-driven, experience-driven development
  • Product management, project management, infrastructure management
  • Gaining respect and authority
  • Driving productivity and quality through influencing people
  • Leading and facilitating organisational change
  • Project sponsorship
  • Mentoring and sponsorship
  • Public speaking and presenting

Class: kernel hacker

Technical Conceptual Interpersonal
  • Knowledge of deep internals of Linux systems and the Linux kernel
  • Concurrent programming techniques
  • Strong programming skills in low level languages
  • Deep knowledge of the particular area of kernel work - ie storage, file systems, networking, desktop environments etc.
  • Reverse engineering
  • Quality assurance approaches
  • Test-driven development
  • Root cause analysis / component failure impact analysis
  • Revision control - ie for submitting patches
  • Ability to engage appropriately on the LKML
  • Skills to be able to handle the 'unique' nature of this community
  • Skills to be able to handle the 'unique' nature of this community

Class: front-end dev

Technical Conceptual Interpersonal
  • Strong knowledge of HTML, CSS3
  • Strong knowledge of Javascript and related frameworks - Ember, React, D3 etc.
  • Knowledge of graphical tools
  • Knowledge of web servers - httpd, nginx, scripting etc
  • User experience design
  • Accessibility and usability
  • Project management skills
  • User requirements gathering, active listening
  • Communication skills - for interacting with backend devs, the client
  • User empathy for better design

Class: data scientist

Technical Conceptual Interpersonal
  • Statistical analysis tools - R, python, etc
  • Knowledge of visualisation tools
  • Knowledge of graphical design tools
  • Knowledge of statistical functions
  • User experience design
  • Graphic design and aesthetic understanding
  • Knowledge of statistics and statistical approaches
  • User requirements gathering, active listening
  • Narrative story telling - telling a story through data for decision making
Donna Benjamin

Is this lady going to get the job done? Hell yes.

Professional party

Attribution: Marco Hazard Lego Dungeons and Dragons - Roaming at the front via Flickr.


Attribution: Deborah Bryant FOSDEM_Exhibits_day2 via Flickr.

HabitRPG level 3 character

Level up! You win: Elite Wand of Sponsorship

Talk feedback warmly welcomed


Dweck, C. S. (2008). Can Personality Be Changed? The Role of Beliefs in Personality and Change. Current Directions in Psychological Science (Wiley-Blackwell), 17(6), 391–394.
Fagerholm, F., Sanchez Guinea, A., Borenstein, J., & Munch, J. (2014). Onboarding in Open Source Projects. IEEE Software, 31(6), 54–61.
Forret, M. L., & Dougherty, T. W. (2001). Correlates of Networking Behavior for Managerial and Professional Employees. Group & Organization Management, 26(3), 283.
Friday, E., Friday, S. S., & Green, A. L. (2004). A reconceptualization of mentoring and sponsoring. Management Decision, 42(5), 628–644.
Leite WL, Svinicki M, & Shi Y. (2010). Attempted validation of the scores of the VARK: learning styles inventory with multitrait-multimethod confirmatory factor analysis models. Educational & Psychological Measurement, 70(2), 323–339 17p.
Linehan, M. (2001). Networking for Female Managers’ Career Development: Empirical Evidence. Journal of Management Development, 20(10), 823–29.
Seibert, S. E., Kraimer, M. L., & Liden, R. C. (2001). A social capital theory of career success. Academy of Management Journal, 44(2), 219–237.
Sinclaire, J. K. . (2012). VARK Learning style and student satisfaction with traditional and online courses. International Journal of Education Research, 7(1), 77–89.

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