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From data hacks to smart cities:

Nurturing a clever, creative community

Matthew Szymczak @shimma1975

Acting Manager Digital, Information and Technology

City of Greater Geelong

Kathy Reid @KathyReid

Director of Developer Relations at Mycroft AI

President, Linux Australia


The Geelong Method:

A maturity model for civic open data

Level 1 - lack of data

Decisions driven by the
Digital Geelong Strategy

Key decision:
as open data platform

Level 2 - hack the data

Key learning:
It's difficult to attract participants - hackers, hustlers and hipsters -
to regional events

Key learning:
You need a way to
mature prototypes into products
that are ready for deployment

Key learning:
You need to have a
risk appetite to ride out
the negative impacts
of open data

Level 3 - track the data

"By 2047, Greater Geelong will be internationally recognised as a clever and creative city-region that is forward looking, enterprising and adaptive, and cares for its people and environment."

Level 4 - the knack of data


Level 5 - a data backbone

thank you

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